Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Foxy Fire's - scene in pictures

Below are a few pics from my volunteer placement. I volunteer for Java Knights which is a discussion group that takes place mostly at the Gladstone Hotel Art Bar 1214 Queen St W, every 4th Tuesday of the month from 7pm-9pm.

Tuesday September 25, 2007 Krystyna (Foxy Fire) sitting beside Bryen Dunn a Toronto journalist at Java Knights Schmooze Fest where variety of gay and lesbian artists were invited to discuss their involvement in Toronto arts community. An interactive Q & A followed. 7 PM to 10 PM at Gladstone Hotel Art Bar

Photo By: Doug Larvey

Tuesday July 31, 2007 Krystyna (Foxy Fire) in black top and shorts reaches for the sky at Java Knights Yoga workshop on Toronto's Wards Island. Volunteer for Java Knights.

Photo By: Doug Larvey

Tuesday July 31, 2007 Krystyna (Foxy Fire) takes part a Java Knights Yoga workshop on Toronto's Wards Island.

Tuesday June 2, 2006 Krystyna (Foxy Fire) attends a Java Knights schmooze fest at the Gladstone Hotel Art Bar

Below is a picture from the fashion show I created and participated in at the Smiling Buddha Bar on June 21st,2006.

Midweek Mayhem Fashion Show - Wednesday June 21, 2006 - Smiling Buddha Bar 961 College Street West, Toronto Ontario. Tonight was a special Pride edition featuring an all-star all-girl line up indie rock bands.

Krystyna (Foxy Fire) is seen here wearing a dance outfit from the Vicerra Line by Toronto fashion designer Vanessa Wishart (vlwishart@hotmail.com)

Picture of when I volunteered at The Parkdale Pride Party. Byren Dunn an events innovator put on. (www.themarsbar.com)

June 10, 2006 - Krystyna (Foxy Fire) was one of the delightful event volunteers (doorperson) at The Parkdale Pride Party and Community Fair which took place from at the Rhino Bar (1249 Queen St W) BTW Krystyna is totally straight and has a boyfriend, but she's very gay-postive, fun-loving and a strong supporter of the queer west Toronto community


Michel F. said...

some Photos By: Doug Larvey were actually taken by Michael F. Paré,

Thanks Michael for taking some photoss said...

Thanks Michael for taking some photos