Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fashion show I participated in at the Reverb Club in 2005.

This pic is the outfit that I wore for the fashion show at the Reverb Club on Queen St. from designer Vanessa Wishart from the Vicerra Line.

I remember this evening consisted of a large range of sexxxy outfits that were esquisitly designed by her.

I also remember that I couldn't do the model walk very well and so I went in the washroom and practised with a friend of hers for awhile.

When the time came for me to go on stage I blew everyone away with how much my walk had improved with just a little practise.

I got my makeup done by a professional make up artist and my hair, it was so cool and I was proud to participate in this show.

Even though it was a rainy day the show did go on and was a success in the end!!

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